Saturday, August 20, 2011

Dog Lover @ 30,000 Feet

August 19, 2011
American Airlines (bygones to my Delta Divas...had to cheat on you today...)
Flight #2980
Columbus, GA to Dallas, Texas

Random Travel Specimen:
Not sure what makes me laugh harder, the fact that out of all the seats on the plane, I get the one next to the lady whose poodle decides to bark throughout the two hour flight in a deafening yap that makes my fillings hurt...OR...the fact that she keeps screeching at the dog in a high-pitched shriek that causes the man a row ahead of me to be so desperate to escape he would seek refuge in the bathroom...OR...perhaps it's the endless kicking...yes...she is in fact kicking said poodle through his designer carrying case..oh and the phrase, "Baby, shut up!" will be forever burned in my brain...Bless Their Hearts...
Just realized there are two of them...dogs that is...two white poodles with matching bandanas...gnarly teeth and snarling...
I believe they are plotting an barks while the other one chews the window off of the Poodle Palace...wishing I had bacon in my purse...not for the dogs...just because I need a snack...

Until our next field observation, I remain,
Dog Lover @ 30,000 Feet

P.S. Note to self, must travel with emergency supply of Doggie for the dog...ten for me...

P.P.S. To the man in 7A...please invest in new headphones. If I wanted to listen to Metallica's "Enter Sandman" and "Fade to Black" for two hours straight, surely I would have downloaded them myself...maybe you were trying to drown out the barking and yapping...I will give you a pass this time...

Here's a picture of my tormentors....let's call him, Spartacus...

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